Tentang aplikasi Bimbel BTW
Aplikasi Bimbel BTW berisikan ribuan soal latihan untuk berbagai jenis tes berbasis CAT ONLINE yang digunakan pada seleksi masuk Sekolah Kedinasan (STPDN, STAN, STTD, dll), Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (UI, ITB, UGM, dll), CPNS maupun berbagai ujian kompetensi profesi.
Keunggulan aplikasi Bimbel BTW ini adalah:
- Online & Support All Device
Bisa diakses dari mana saja, dari Smartphone 3G / 4G, Tablet & Komputer yang mempunyai jaringan internet
- Realtime Hasil Ujian / Simulasi
Terdapat nilai yang langsung tampil ketika selesai mengerjakan Soal pada setiap modul, sehingga kalian bisa mengetahui nilai kelulusan kalian.
- Raport
Terdapat raport perkembangan hasil belajar untuk mengetahui tingkat kepatuhan & kelulusan kalian.
- Ranking Nasional
Terdapat ranking nasional dari seluruh peserta Bimbel BTW, sehingga kalian bisa mengukur prestasi kalian.
- Pembahasan Soal
Terdapat Pembahasan soal yang bisa kalian akses di aplikasi, sehingga kalian bisa tetap belajar kapanpun & dimanapun
Aplikasi ini juga dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pendaftaran bimbel OFFLINE (tatap muka) untuk mengikuti seleksi masuk sekolah kedinasan, perguruan tinggi negeri, CPNS maupun ujian kompetensi profesi.
Tentang Bimbel BTW
Bimbel BTW lahir dari keprihatinan akan tingginya angka ketika lulusan dalam tahapan Seleksi Kompetensi Dasar (SKD) yang dilaksanakan oleh Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN), baik dalam penerimaan ASN/CPNS maupun Sekolah Kedinasan (Ikatan Dinas)
Bimbel BTW digagas dan dikelola oleh gabungan beberapa alumni Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka (ITS, ITB, UGM, UI, UNUD) dan alumni Sekolah Kedinasan (STTD, STPDN, STAN, STPI, STP)
About the BTW Bimbel application
BTW Bimbel application contains thousands of practice questions for various types of CAT-based ONLINE tests that are used in the selection of entrance to Official Schools (STPDN, STAN, STTD, etc.), State Universities (UI, ITB, UGM, etc.), CPNS and various professional competency tests .
The advantages of this BTW Bimbel application are:
- Online & Support All Devices
Can be accessed from anywhere, from 3G / 4G Smartphones, Tablets & Computers that have internet networks
- Realtime Exam / Simulation Results
There are scores that appear immediately after completing the Questions on each module, so you can find out the value of your graduation.
- Report card
There is a report on the progress of learning outcomes to determine your level of compliance & graduation.
- National Ranking
There is a national ranking of all BTW Bimbel participants, so you can measure your achievements.
- Discussion of Questions
There is a discussion about the questions that you can access in the application, so you can keep learning anytime & anywhere
This application can also be used to register for OFFLINE tutoring (face to face) to take part in selection of official schools, state universities, CPNS and professional competency tests.
About BTW Bimbel
Bimbel BTW was born out of concern about the high numbers when graduates were in the Basic Competency Selection (SKD) stage carried out by the State Personnel Agency (BKN), both in receiving ASN / CPNS and Official Schools (Service Association)
BTW Bimbel was conceived and managed by a combination of several leading Higher Education alumni (ITS, ITB, UGM, UI, UNUD) and alumni of the Official Schools (STTD, STPDN, STAN, STPI, STP)